Dundas Public School

Our Best Always

Telephone02 9638 2813


Student Behaviour Support and Management Plan

Revised Student Behaviour Policy

The NSW Department of Education's revised Student Behaviour Policy and new Suspension and Expulsion Procedures, came into effect at the start of Term 1, 2024.

Our school has a strong commitment to making sure our classrooms are safe and inclusive for all students and staff.

This commitment is reflected in the revised policy and procedures.

We will continue to work closely with families and students to maintain positive and respectful classrooms where our students can thrive.

Please follow this link to view a copy of the Dundas Public School Behaviour Support and Management Plan.

Restorative Practices

As a restorative school community, Dundas PS has developed a Student Engagement Plan that is designed to clearly articulate to all members of the school community the cultural norms that are associated with responding to all behaviours exhibited within the school. This document outlines the responses used to support all stakeholders to function along a restorative continuum, capturing every opportunity to support all to understand the impact of their actions on others and to accept responsibility for their behaviours and to fix up after making a mistake. 

Dundas PS uses a restorative practices approach to support the development of relationships between all stakeholders of the school community by using a consistent language, conduct and mindset approach. When developing these relationships, we can support all members of the school community to accept responsibility for their actions and understand that the choices they make impacts others. The focus in a restorative school culture is to support all students to celebrate their daily successes and develop the strategies needed to resolve misunderstandings or conflicts with others.

Please follow this link to view a copy of the DPS Student Engagement Plan.

Universal behaviour expectations

Dundas Public School has 3 expectations:

        Be Safe

        Be Respectful

        Be a Successful Learner.


Universal behaviour expectations

How can parents support positive behaviour?

Read and become familiar with our core expectations. Discuss these with your child. Relate our expectations to the home environment to provide consistency.

Together we can:

* address the diverse academic and social needs of every student to support them to be successful

* support students from Kindergarten through to the senior years of schooling

* establish  a continuum of support that meets the needs of every student

* establish positive social expectations for all in the school community

*use our Dundas PS Student Engagement Plan to collectively support the wellbeing of every student.