Dundas Public School

Our Best Always

Telephone02 9638 2813


P & C

We have a very active P & C (Parent and Citizens') Association at Dundas Public School. It is a great way to support your child's education, get to know other parents, find out what is happening in your child's school and become part of our community.

The P & C is a school based organisation of parents, teachers and interested citizens.

The objectives of the P & C include:

  • Working with the School Executive to establish requirements for the year and then assisting to raise funds to fulfill those needs for our students. These include major refurbishments like playground shade cloths and air conditioning, through to sports uniforms and craft supplies.
  • Coordination of the school banking, the uniform shop and the canteen.
  • Research and looking at alternatives for issues impacting our children.
  • Facilitating community involvement in education.
  • Participating in activities of the school and communicate with all members of the community.
  • Cooperating with the activities of the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of NSW.

P & C meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month in the school staffroom, beginning at 7:00pm.


For further information on what we do, please click the link below!

Parents and Citizen's Association at Dundas Public School